iMagic Inventory
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 / Jon Walker

Jon Walker gets excited about how new features in iMagic Inventory v4.37 can help your business.

Hi All,

I hope everyone had a great holiday and New Year!

We've added lots of new features into the v4.37, many are small tiny updates suggested by customers to make their day-to-day inventory management a little easier. We've also added in a new Custom Export sub-system, which if you're linking into websites or other systems is pretty nifty!

Custom Inventory Export

Let's suppose you're linking your inventory into several online systems for sale, say Amazon and eBay. Then linking into Quickbooks online to manage your finances. Each of those systems will require different sets of data out of iMagic Inventory, you wont for instance want to export Purchase Prices into Amazon, but you would for Quickbooks.

With the new Custom Export you can save a different list of fields you want sent out to each. iMagic Inventory will then just export out those fields, as well as improving security it will also increase speed if you just export out what you need.

Let's run through a quick example. First select the new File/Custom Export option. Now let's output for Amazon and select the fields they require, this can include any custom item fields from iMagic Inventory. You can also select a different Price List if you're setting pricing based on the sales channel (in this case the website).

After that you can export as normal (just hit the Export button), but you can also now click "Save New List", enter in say, "Amazon Export". Then next time you go to export to Amazon you can select the pre-saved list and have all the fields selected again.

Many thanks to Nick for this suggestion who has a few hundred custom fields he's selecting from, a big time saver.

Other Updates

Other changes include some bug fixes, more integration with the new Inactive Item flag (now into the Reorder reports), new custom Word Invoice tags, saving of the backup folder, updates to the File/Export Invoices with Items, a new Group Items Report as well as some new custom invoice examples.

For a full list see You can download the update by selecting Help/Check Web for Updates from within iMagic Inventory.

Please do keep the suggestions coming in and we'll do our best to include them! :o)

Thanks, Jon